Dignity and Respect at Work Training (2 Hour Session) - Vista

Dignity and Respect at Work Training (2 Hour Session)

Overview – Dignity and Respect at Work Training

This 2-hour workshop is designed for up to 15 delegates and uses a case study that demonstrates the impact of harassment and discrimination at work on the individuals concerned (‘victim’ and ‘perpetrator’) and the organisation.

The case study will be based on a true-to-life scenario. It will begin with the demonstration of the consequences of the harassment and will work back in time to when the incident first occurred.

By attending dignity and respect at work training, your team members will be able to:

    • Describe behaviour that could amount to harassment or bullying
    • Show an understanding of the consequences of harassment on the ‘victim’ of it, even if the behaviour were to have been unintentional
    • Describe the consequences of harassment on the perpetrator and the organisation for which they work
    • Demonstrate how to deal with behaviour that concerns them.

A typical workshop will include:
Introduction to the scenarioThe company has been ordered to pay significant compensation and the case has been reported in the press.

The perpetrator of the harassment, a former employee, has also been ordered to pay compensation.

He was dismissed from his job. He was also named in the press, a fact he needs to explain to his new employer.

His perspective was that the whole thing was ‘just a bit of banter’ until he realised the consequences for him personally.
The incidentTold from the perspective of the successful claimant in the case, the delegates see the situation unfold, covering how it made them feel
Why are we here? - the legal frameworkThe definition of harassment

The ‘spectrum’ of behaviour:

Dealing with situations that concern youTechniques to say: ‘that’s not okay!’

The role of informal and formal management
Key learning points and the close of the session.

Here is some further information on the full version of this course.

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