Your Right to Manage - Vista
managing performance

Your Right to Manage

A 3.5-hour interactive workshop to give managers confidence and skills to manage their team members’ performance, conduct, attendance and grievances effectively and within the legal framework.  The workshop will provide techniques to manage these situations well (focusing on the all-important informal stage) but also the context of the legal framework to build confidence to do the right thing.

By attending the session, managers will be able to:

  • Describe their ‘right to manage’ and the responsibilities (both actions and behaviours) that accompany it.
  • Demonstrate how to manage situations in their teams in which they need to give feedback and address conflict using techniques
  • Identify the circumstances that would indicate formal management is the appropriate approach and describe the key steps in our formal processes.
  • Show an understanding how to plan an investigation according to a technique and identify the role of good quality questions in achieving a balanced investigation interview.
Introductions and welcome Your right to manage standards of performance, behaviour and attendance in your team.

What gives you your ‘right to manage’ is the employment law framework for people management
Our responsibility to manage in line with the legal frameworkHow the legal framework for a fair dismissal guides how we manage performance, conduct and attendance.
What it means in practice
Being clear and consistent
The mindset you need: Keeping an open mind and acting promptly.
Making decisions based on the facts
There’s no such thing as an ‘off the record’ chat!
Investigating situations that concern youPlanning an investigation according to a technique
The importance of nipping situations in the bud with feedback and informal management.Brief introduction to techniques
Saying no
Drawing a line in the sand to change behaviours
How to tell performance management is not bullying
Investigating situations that concern youPlanning an investigation according to a technique
Asking great quality questions
An overview of addressing conflict Managing informally whenever possible
Identifying when grievances should be upheld.
An overview of the formal process.
Key learning points and final questions
Close of programme

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