Colour Insights Discovery (Virtual) - Vista
Colour Insights Discovery (Virtual)

Colour Insights Discovery (Virtual)

Performance Culture: Colour Insights Discovery

A half or one day practical, participative virtual workshop designed to help people understand themselves and others using Colour Insights discovery to make the most of relationships that impact them in work. By the end of this virtual session delegates will be able to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of how others like to work, ad how to adapt to these situations to become a better leader.

Learning Objectives

By attending this workshop, delegates will be able to:

  • Describe the four colour energies
  • Understand self, your preferences and how you like to work
  • Understand others better to enable you to adapt and flex well to situations
See what our client Freedom Fibre had to say about the programme…


Course Overview

We build all our training programmes bespoke, so that’s down to where you want the emphasis of your workshop to be. Here is an example of what a typical course could look like, but please get in touch to tailor this for your business.

Introductions and WelcomeThe objectives for the session
How the session is run – fun and filled with experimentation and interaction
Approach the session with curiosity
Icebreaker ActivityActivity to introduce participants to each other
ConnectionsActivity – who do you want to have a better connection with, in the context of work
Who Am I? ActivityActivity – participants answer the ‘Who am I?’
Share in the chat / virtual room
Discovering Self and OthersIntroduction to Colour Insights – Personality Preferences

Introduction to perception using a ‘what can you see’ exercise

Explanation on how the entire physiology works

Personal characteristics exercise – circle the words

Preferences –virtual card game

Colour Insights questionnaire
Insights Discovery - Colour EnergiesIntroduction to the four colour energies (red, blue, yellow and green)

Jungian preferences – virtual stepping exercise; picture exercise;

Colour energies on a resourceful day (good day traits)

Colour energies on an unresourceful day (bad day traits)

Questionnaire review
Recognising TypesConsider other work people and their energy preferences - adapting and connecting
Key learning points from todayWhat’s stood out for you?
What will you do differently in work?

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