10to3 - People Management Skills Training for your Managers
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Who, what & why


10to3 is our series of short, succinct and (dare we say!) enjoyable digital learning videos are tailored specifically to help your managers master essential people management skills.

They get to the point (in under 5 minutes) and give only the essential knowledge and skills for their HR-related meeting at three o’clock. *

Managers will gain a clear sense of how to manage their meeting, in-line with company policies and good practice. They’re also far less likely to put their foot in it!

*we know, all HR meetings don’t happen at three, but if they could…

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10to3 Suites

Upbeat animated training videos to build confidence for HR meetings. Created by employment lawyers and training professionals, we cover the below topics.


These videos give managers exactly what they need when managing a team member’s performance. We go through how to manage performance formally, how to manage an appeal, setting quality objectives and the reviewing process.


The grievance suite guides managers through exactly what they need to do to investigate and manage an employee’s grievance. We look at whether to deal with a problem informally or formally, and then go step by step through the formal process and appeals (if we get there).


Our disciplinary suite gives managers exactly what they need to manage poor standards of conduct and behaviour in their team. There is a video for each stage of investigating a misconduct allegation or managing a disciplinary.


The attendance suite provides managers with the knowledge and skills they need to improve attendance and deal with prolonged absence due to longer-term ill health. There are videos for short- and long-term absence, appeals and tips for dealing with OH.


This suite focuses on making great quality recruitment decisions. All the time following your organisations recruitment process.


The essential steps when conducting an investigation. This specialised suite forms part of the others or can be standalone. We cover everything from planning your investigation through to those ‘killer questions’ to use during the thick of a meeting.

Managing Change

This suite of videos covers the essential elements of an organisational change programme. We cover changing terms and conditions and making redundancies. Videos are designed for managers, employee representatives and all employees.

Difficult Conversations

A series of videos to support managers to deal with the 'tough bits' of people management with confidence.

Hybrid Working

A series of videos to give techniques to managers who are managing a geographically disbursed team.

Dignity & Respect

A collection of videos to enable your managers to handle tricky conversations in order to create a respectful and inclusive workplace.


Support your team in having great conversations around neurodiversity in the workplace.

What do our clients have to say about us?

"10 to 3 is great! The videos are a brilliant way of communicating the important aspects of hearings, the team loved it."

Linda Mountford, John West

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