Dealing with Difficult Behaviours - Vista
Dealing with Difficult Behaviours

Dealing with Difficult Behaviours

Dealing with Difficult Behaviours & Situations

A half or one day practical, participative programme covering the key principles and techniques for dealing with difficult behaviours and/or situations. In this session our leadership trainers will help your employees to explain the reasons behind why difficult behaviours arise, which in turn helps managers to effectively manage and diffuse them quickly. This workshop will give your team practical tools and techniques in dealing with difficult behaviours that they can use as soon as they go back to their desks.

Learning Objectives

By attending this workshop, delegates will be able to:

  • Define situations / behaviours that they find difficult
  • Demonstrate how to deal with these difficult situations / behaviours
  • Explain what can trigger situations to feel / be perceived as difficult
  • Know what assertive rights that they have and should give themselves permission to
  • Apply hints and tips on how to manage / tackle difficult situations / behaviours
Course Overview

We build all our training programmes bespoke, so it’s down to where you want the emphasis of your workshop to be. Here is an example of what a typical course could look like, but please get in touch to tailor this for your business.

Introductions and WelcomeConditions for success for the session


Difficult situations / behaviourInteractive post it exercise to identify real like examples and to establish if all participants find all examples ‘difficult’
Consequences and benefitsInteractive exercise in two groups to identify the benefits of tackling difficult situations / behaviours and the consequences if they’re ignored
Behaviour positionsTrainer input on the different behaviour positions with small groups exercise
Transactional Analysis – understanding behaviourTrainer introduction to Byrne’s TA theory (Parent, Adult, Child) and small groups card sort exercise
The underlying causeSmall groups exercise working with previously identified difficult situations / behaviours post it notes
Yes But SoIntroduction to Yes, But, So as an assertive tool / technique. Trio group practice with scenarios
• Key learning points from todayReview of what’s been most useful and identifying key actions to implement a successful transfer of learning.

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