Sexual Harassment Training: What is it, and How to Stop it - Vista
A female employee presenting to her team during a meeting using colourful post-it notes stuck to the wall

Sexual Harassment Training: What is it, and How to Stop it

A half-day interactive and scenario-based training workshop to explore sexual harassment from an inclusive perspective: When it happens, the negative impacts are far reaching and long lived; so it’s everyone’s role to spot it and eradicate it.


Sexual Harassment Training – Course Overview
10 minsIntroductions and welcome
30 minsSexual harassment: Not just a ‘man thing’:

What is harassment?

What is sexual harassment?


Why some compliments and over familiarities are unwanted.
30 minsMisogyny matters:

What is it?

Is it intentional?

So sexual harassment is not just a man thing, but is misogyny? (no! – women can be misogynists too)

An important word on misandry (hostility towards men) and homophobia too.

What’s the common theme here?
30 minsWhy do people get hung up on gender difference?

Why people use gender and sex and sexuality to demean others: The negative side of affinity bias: We like people who are like us; and so don’t like people who are not.

Why do people join in: Stories about how you’ve been influenced by conformity bias that will surprise you.
30 minsWhy deal with behaviour that’s not okay:

Health and wellbeing – your own and everyone else’s

What if you’re ‘just’ a bystander.
30 minsHow to deal with behaviour that’s not okay:

Speaking out

Receiving ‘that’s not okay’ feedback well – and why it’s easier said than done.

How our organisation will act to support an inclusive culture and root out harassment.
10 minsKey learnings and action points
10 minsClose


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