Are you Thriving or Surviving at Work? - Vista
Are you Thriving or Surviving at Work?

Are you Thriving or Surviving at Work?

A face to face workshop to help managers, HR or senior teams understand how to improve relationships in the workplace.

Learning Objectives

By attending this workshop, delegates will be able to:

  • Raise awareness and understanding of our universal needs as people
  • Understand ourselves and the helpful and unhelpful habits that get caught up in the mix and know how we can start to change and improve our position and relationships in the workplace.
  • Create an action plan from today and plan how to make this a reality.
Course Overview

We build all our training programmes bespoke, so it’s down to where you want the emphasis of your workshop to be. Here is an example of what a typical course could look like, but please get in touch to tailor this for your business.

Introductions and WelcomeTrainer introduction to the key learning outcomes.

Why are you here?

What does positive mental health and wellbeing at work mean to you?
What makes us human?What makes me be me?

What did I carry in with me when I came into work this morning?

What is helpful? What might be a hindrance?
What do we mean by positive mental health and how is this different to wellbeing?Helping delegates to understand the basic concepts of mental health and wellbeing, the critical difference between them, and in how we self-manage and manage both.
Key areas to focus on:
5 ways to wellbeing
Discussing balance and how we can work our way to wellbeing.

Exploring the evidenced 5 ways of wellbeing from the context of our workplace.
Conditions for success in building and sustaining positive relationships at workHow to:

Build trust

Have a good debate instead of destructive argument

Resolve conflict

Help people to feel that they belong
Boundaries at workThe art of imposing boundaries

Do you choose guilt or resentment?

We find out the answer – and why.
Going back to “what makes me be me?Three powerful mindsets: Perfectionism, Pragmatism, Perception of control

Key message:
You can choose to keep what works for you and let go of what doesn’t

You can change

Let’s find out how...
Key questions:

Why do I procrastinate?

Why do I seek to blame?
The answers are wrapped up in organisational culture and what makes me, “me”.
Creating a personal action planUnder guidance from our trainer, each delegate draws up their own individual action plan to embed key learnings from today.
3 key messages from todayWe remind ourselves of the 3 learning outcomes and 3 key points under each.

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